Monday Oct 02, 2023
Smart Prevention: Wearable Devices and Stroke Defense - Frankly Speaking Ep 348
Credits: 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
CME/CE Information and Claim Credit: https://www.pri-med.com/online-education/podcast/frankly-speaking-cme-348
Overview: Discover how wearable fitness devices are transforming early detection of atrial fibrillation with their potential to reduce stroke risk. In this episode, we share insights on leveraging smartwatches to improve health outcomes and when to encourage their use in patient care.
Episode resource links:
- Bedi, A., Al Masri, M. K., Al Hennawi, H., Qadir, S., & Ottman, P. (2023). The Integration of Artificial Intelligence Into Patient Care: A Case of Atrial Fibrillation Caught by a Smartwatch. Cureus, 15(3).
- Long, K. Y., Shanmugam, K., & Rana, M. E. (2023, January). An Evaluation of Smartwatch Contribution in Improving Human Health. In 2023 17th
- International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication (IMCOM) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Mattison, G., Canfell, O. J., Forrester, D., Dobbins, C., Smith, D., Reid, D., & Sullivan, C. (2023). A step in the right direction: the potential role of smartwatches in supporting chronic disease prevention in health care. The Medical Journal of Australia, 218(9), 384-388.
- Meza, C., Juega, J., Francisco, J., Santos, A., Duran, L., Rodriguez, M., ... & Pagola, J. (2023). Accuracy of a Smartwatch to Assess Heart Rate Monitoring and Atrial Fibrillation in Stroke Patients. Sensors, 23(10), 4632.
- https://www.stroke.org/en/about-stroke/types-of-stroke/cryptogenic-stroke
Guest: Mariyan L. Montaque, DNP, FNP-BC
Music Credit: Richard Onorato