Monday Oct 31, 2022
Cats Causing Psychosis! - Frankly Speaking Ep 300
Credits: 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
CME/CE Information and Claim Credit: https://www.pri-med.com/online-education/podcast/frankly-speaking-cme-300
Overview: Most primary care clinicians are unaware of a possible association between childhood cat ownership and adult psychosis. Join us to hear the results of a recent retrospective study that suggests this link. Hear practical tips to share with patients who own an outdoor cat to help them avoid the toxoplasmosis that may be a potential etiologic agent for psychiatric illness.
Episode resource links:
Journal of Psychiatric Research. Volume 148, April 2022, Pages 197-203
Guest: Robert A. Baldor, MD
Music Credit: Richard Onorato