Monday Apr 25, 2022
A Smoke Screen? Is Secondhand Aerosol Exposure From E-Cigarettes harmful? - Frankly Speaking Ep 273
Credits: 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™
CME/CE Information and Claim Credit: https://www.pri-med.com/online-education/podcast/frankly-speaking-cme-273
Overview: The evidence continues to grow and evolve on the potential harms of e-cigarette use and on their efficacy and safety as a harm reduction strategy. One aspect of e-cigarette use that has not received much attention is the effect of secondhand exposure to the exhaled aerosol from e-cigarettes. Previous small studies have suggested some exposure risk, but a recent study of >2,000 participants found that secondhand exposure to e-cigarette aerosol increased the risk of bronchitic symptoms and shortness of breath in young adults. Join us as we discuss these findings and their implications to practice.
Episode resource links:
Islam T, Braymiller J, Eckel SP, et al
Secondhand nicotine vaping at home and respiratory symptoms in young adults
Thorax Published Online First: 10 January 2022. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2021-217041 -
Caponnetto P, Caruso M, Maglia M, et al. Non-inferiority trial comparing cigarette consumption, adoption rates, acceptability, tolerability, and tobacco harm reduction potential in smokers switching to Heated Tobacco Products or electronic cigarettes: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Article. Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications. 2020;17100518. doi:10.1016/j.conctc.2020.100518
Gaiha SM, et al. J Adolesc Health. Association Between Youth Smoking, Electronic Cigarette Use, and COVID-19. J Adolesc Health. Vol 67, issue 4, pp 519-523; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1015/j.jadolhealth.2020.07.002
Hartmann-Boyce J, McRobbie H, Lindson N, et al. Electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Apr 29 2021;4:CD010216. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD010216.pub5
Mayo Clinic. (2022, January 13). E-cigarette users who test positive for COVID-19 are more likely to experience COVID-19 symptoms. ScienceDaily. Retrieved January 17, 2022 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2022/01/220113151402.htm
McAlinden KD, Eapen MS, Lu W, Chia C, Haug G, Sohal SS. COVID-19 and vaping: risk for increased susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection? Eur Respir J. 2020. vol. 1.
McFadden, DD, Bornstein, SL, Vassallo, R, Salonen, BR, Nadir Bhuiyan, M, Schroeder, DR, Croghan, IK. Symptoms COVID 19 Positive Vapers Compared to COVID 19 Positive Non-vapers. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 2022; 13: 215013192110626 DOI: 10.1177/21501319211062672
Guest: Susan Feeney, DNP, FNP-BC, NP-C
Music Credit: Richard Onorato