Tuesday Oct 26, 2021

A Fishy Method to Prevent Migraines - Frankly Speaking Ep 247

Credits: 0.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™


CME/CE Information and Claim Credit: https://www.pri-med.com/online-education/podcast/frankly-speaking-cme-247


Overview: When it comes to chronic migraines, your first-line prevention is probably medication, but according to a new study, it may not have to be. Certain foods may play a role in increasing and decreasing migraine recurrence. Join us to review a recent randomized controlled trial aimed at preventing migraines in those with chronic migraines.


Episode resource links:

  • BMJ 2021; 374 :n1448 doi:10.1136/bmj.n1448; doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n1448
  • The association of dietary patterns with migraine attack frequency in migrainous women. Nutritional Neuroscience 23:9, pages 724-730

Guest: Alan Ehrlich MD, FAAFP


Music Credit: Richard Onorato

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Version: 20241125